Лозова Олена ВасилівнаБілан Ольга АнатоліївнаНовикова Лариса ГеоргіївнаМарченко-Толста Катерина Сергіївна2024-10-292024-10-292021-04-17Olena Lozova, Olga Bilan, Larysa Novykova, & Kateryna Marchenko-Tolsta. (2021). METHODS TO MOTIVATE REMOTE TEACHERS IN A PANDEMIC ENVIRONMENT . International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (2(30). https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30062021/75342544-943510.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30062021/7534https://ir.kmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/253The article examines the factors that affect the success of university remote teachers in a pandemic environment, the importance of maintaining the work motivation of teachers to ensure high performance e-learning, and the need for joint efforts by teachers and university administration to prevent professional burnout and maintain a sense of belonging to the teamenmotivatione-learningburnout preventionorganization of remote workMETHODS TO MOTIVATE REMOTE TEACHERS IN A PANDEMIC ENVIRONMENTArticle