Baieva O.Kryvenko Y.Tarasova N.2024-12-172024-12-172024-12Baieva O., Kryvenko Y., Tarasova N. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR STANDARTIZATION OF MEDICAL CARE: PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLES. Abstracts of XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Thessaloniki, Greece. Pp. 15-20.9-789-40377-568-5 purpose of health care standardization is to improve the quality of preventive and therapeutic and diagnostic measures, solve the problems of preserving and improving the health of the population. Standardization of care seeks to improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery by reducing unwanted variations in care as well as promoting the efficient and effective use of healthcare resources.en-USMedical carestandartizationprocedureCONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR STANDARTIZATION OF MEDICAL CARE: PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLESThesis