M.A. ZabolotnyyG.I. DovbeshkoV.E. OrelG.I. SolyanikL.N. Kirkilevskaya2024-10-292024-10-292020-09-23Zabolotnyy M.A., Dovbeshko G.I., Orel V.E., Solyanik G.I., Kirkilevskaya L.N., Pre-irradiation of a solvent – a way to respect the therapeutic effcacy of some water- soluble drugs Conference: Medical Physics – the Current Status, Problems, the Way of Development. Innovation Technologies Proceedings of IX International Conference (Kyiv, September 23–25, 2020). С. 209-215978-617-7288-21-2https://ir.kmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/255The work is devoted to the study of the processes that determine the possibilities of the method of increasing the effectiveness of the antitumor action of already known antitumor drugs without the use of foreign nano dipurities using high-energy electron irradiation. The electron energy was 2 MeV. The method is based on the use of the original technique, which uses irradiation of the solvent (water or saline) before the introduction of a drug (doxorubicin). Conformational changes in doxorubicin molecules in irradiated saline were analysed by changes in their vibrational spectra, which were recorded using an IR-Fourier spectrometer. Quantum chemical calculations were performed using the Gaussian program, the method of density functional (B3LYP). The geometry of the doxorubicin molecule was optimized and its oscillation spectrum was calculated. To study the pharmacological activity of the antitumor drug doxorubicin used Lewis lung carcinoma. Cells were maintained in RPMI 1640 medium with the addition of 10% ETS, 2 mm L-glutamine and 40 μg / ml gentamicin at 37 ° C. Studies have shown that the use of pre-irradiated saline (0.9% NaCl) for the antitumor drug doxorubicin significantly alters the conformational properties of its molecules. The minimum dose of high-energy electron irradiation (2 MeV) absorbed by the solvent, at which changes in the conformation states of the drugs dissolved in them are recorded, is equal to 4 kGy.enirradiationconformationelectronsmoleculekoniumdoxorubicin.PRE-IRRADIATION OF A SOLVENT – A WAY TO RESPECT THE THERAPEUTIC EFFCACY OF SOME WATER- SOLUBLE DRUGSArticle