Baieva OlenaZelentsova SvitlanaKovalenko Olha2024-11-052024-11-052021-10-24BIOETHICAL PRICIPLES OF MEDICAL CARE: INFORMED CONSENT TO TREATMENT. The II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Global changes in the development of science and education», October 24-26, 2021. Belgium, Brussels. 2021. P. 59-63978-9-40364-516-2 article dealth with ethical and legal significance of the patient's consent to medical care is recognized by the fact that it acts as a tool for protecting the human right to self-determination, which is recognized as one of the basic human rightsen-USinformed consenttreatmenthealthcarepatienthuman rightsBIOETHICAL PRICIPLES OF MEDICAL CARE: INFORMED CONSENT TO TREATMENTArticle