Baiev V.Baieva O.2024-12-172024-12-172024-12Baiev V., Baieva O. MEDICAL SERVICES MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS AND MAIN ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT. Abstracts of the XVI International scientific and practical conference «Modern and new technical trends that help humanity» (December 16-18). Thessaloniki, Greece. 2024. Pp. 101-1059-789-40377-568-5 peculiarities of the medical services market lie in the specificity of the work of medical workers, when the preservation of the patient's life, the humanitarian mission of health care and the ethical side of medical activity far outweigh the economic feasibility and profitability of medical activityen-USmedical services marketmanagementcharacteristicsMEDICAL SERVICES MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS AND MAIN ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENTThesis