Question of the Etiology of Malignant Neoplasms

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Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology


Purpose: To determine the severity of potentiometric parameters in patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral mucosa and the presence of metal inclusions in the form of non-removable dentures made of dissimilar metals and their alloys. Methods: We examined of potentiometric parameters in 39 patients with metallic inclusions in the oral cavity, in which malignant tumors of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (tongue, palate, mucous membrane of the alveolar process and the bottom of the oral cavity) were detected. All subjects were between the ages of 40 and 68 years. Results: High potentiometric indicators were revealed in patients with non-removable metal dentures, which are made of dissimilar metals and their alloys. The presence of defects in the lining of dentures, as well as metal parts of a non-removable structure or metal protective coating ("bald zones") increase the potentiometric parameters and increase the risk of malignant neoplasms of the mucous membranes. Conclusions: The presence of metal inclusions in the oral cavity in the form of permanent dentures can be one of the reasons for the development of malignant neoplasms of the mucous membranes. A significant increase (more than 3 times higher than the normal values) of potentiometric parameters in patients with malignant tumors of the mucous membranes with metallic inclusions in the oral cavity is observed not only between the metals of immovable dentures, but also between the metal denture and the mucosa of the alveolar process of the jaw, between different parts of the mucous membranes of the alveolar process.



malignant neoplasm, oral mucosa, metal inclusions, non-removable dentures


Tymofieiev OO, Tymofieiev OO, Ushko NO, Yarifa MO. Question of the etiology of malignant neoplasms. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2017;1(3−4):175−82.