Editorial: The V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

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Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology


This article examines one of the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for including peer-reviewed journals in the List of scientific and professional publications of Ukraine in which the results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy may be published. And such a requirement is the inclusion of the journal and the deposit of its articles in the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (VNLU). So, in this editorial we will highlight the experience of the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology of including it in the VNLU. The VNLU is a leading cultural, educational, scientific, and informational state institution that performs the functions of a research, methodological, and coordination center on issues of book studies, library science, bibliography, and document studies, and participates in the development of state policy in the field of library science and its implementation. All details about the Library's day-to-day operations and functioning can be found in its Bylaws, which is publicly available. What is important to know is that the VNLU has the right to receive a mandatory free copy of documents in accordance with the legislation. The deposit of peer-reviewed journal articles in the VNLU is one of the extremely important stages in the evolution of each peer-reviewed journal originating from Ukraine. And the deposit process itself is quite simple and does not require a significant amount of editorial and publisher resources. In summary, the VNLU is another highly respected state database that contains our journal and its articles, along with the National Repository of Academic Texts and ResearchGate.



open access, V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, database, article, peer-reviewed journal, scientific professional publication


Tymofieiev OO, Fesenko II. The V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2024 Oct;8(10):100298. https://doi.org/10.23999/j.dtomp.2024.10.100298