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Міжнародний центр наукових досліджень. —Вінниця: ТОВ«УКРЛОГОС Груп, 2024.
In our opinion, the main condition for the successful activity of a modern teacher is to focus on communication as one of the leading basic needs of the
individual, since a person is part of society. It is also important to take into account the priorities that keep communication in the team (interests,
motivations, preferences, assessments, value orientations of each student, group of students, teacher and university staff as a whole).
The central person in the chain of communicative interactions is the teacher, because it is on him or her that a positive dialogue depends, which
leads to high-quality professional interaction in the educational process. The dominant skill will be the ability to conduct a dialogue, organize the process of
positive friendly communication, communication (the ability to listen, understand, explain, prove, ask and answer, persuade, create a creative
atmosphere of trust and understanding, find an approach to special problems, relieve tension that may arise from time to time depending on the complexity
of the tasks, resolve a conflict situation, and ultimately be sensitive to students who experience difficult conditions of uncertainty of the future in different
ways, etc.) The solution to any pedagogical issue is possible only through communication and two-way pedagogical interaction.
In today's context, it is important for a modern teacher to have in-depth knowledge of the age psychology and physiology of students, as well as to have
psychological and didactic methods that help the teacher find the most effective mechanisms of communication interactions. This allows to stimulate
creative work, choose technologies, forms and methods of interaction based on constructive dialogue based on the principle of partnership. And it is
partnership, not familiarity.
1. A modern teacher must also have a number of personal characteristics, such as openness, objectivity, developed thinking and judgement, balance,
endurance and tact, determination, stress resistance, ability to think abstractly, ability to analyze decisions, strong motivation to achieve goals, creativity,
leadership skills, practical skills, presentability, as well as the ability to capture and hold the attention of the audience for a long time.
2 From a professional point of view, a modern teacher should be a fully developed cultural personality, a professional competent specialist who is able
to apply his/her knowledge and skills to overcome challenges and conflic situations, a tolerant, empathetic, spiritually rich and patriotic citizen of Ukrainian society.
3. The analysis of the problem of communicative interaction between teachers and students makes it possible to state that properly constructed
communicative interactions between teachers and students in conditions of uncertainty about the future are the key to improving the efficiency of the
educational process in higher education institutions, creating conditions for self-actualization and self-realization of each student, unlocking their creative
potential, forming the value orientations of a fully developed harmonious personality capable of overcoming the challenges and realities of today
communicative interactions, educational process, uncertainly about the future, communicative culture
Mykhailiuk M.М., Verbytski Y.E.COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE OF THE TEACHER AND THE STUDENT: PECULIARITIES OF FORMATION AND INTERACTION IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY ABOUT THE FUTURE // Період трансформаційних процесів в світовій науці: задачі та виклики: збірник наукових праць з матеріалами IV Міжнародної наукової конференції, м. Рівне / Міжнародний центр наукових досліджень. - Вінниця: ТОВ «УКРЛОГОС Груп», 2024.-С.419-425.