Кафедра внутрішніх та професійних хвороб
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Item General Care of a Patient (Manual Part 1)(Київський медичний університет УАНМ, 2017) Batushkin V.V.; Mozhdehi Z.K.Методичні вказівки з догляду за хворими для студентів 2 курсу медичного факультету англомовної форми навчання.Item Real decisions of international medical students on choosing elective courses on general, internal, and evidence-based medicine at Kyiv Medical University(EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC E-JOURNAL, 2024-07-30) Oleksandr Pokanevych; Borys Ivnyev; Olha PuzanovaSupplementing and improving education content as scientific and subject disciplines emerge is a main principle of curriculum development. Students’ participation in this process is essential for implementing the standard for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Medical students may benefit from gaining more competence in current issues of general, internal, and evidence-based medicine (EBM). The relevance of such elective courses (ECs) for international medical students has not been studied yet according to the literature review. The study object was a methodology for designing a curriculum in the system of higher medical education using a student-centered approach. The study subject was student-related factors influencing curriculum development in terms of making decisions on choosing ECs by international medical students at a clinical department of a medical university. The study aimed to describe features of students’ decisions and determine student-dependent factors regarding the choice of ECs on current issues of general, internal medicine, and EBM by international medical students of Kyiv Medical University (KMU). This explorative, descriptive, comparative cross-sectional pilot study utilized a self-administered web questionnaire, which was answered in April 2024 by 46 international 6th- and 5th-year medical students of KMU coming from eight Asian and African countries (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Türkiye, Nigeria, Ghana, and Tanzania) and registered in the KMU’s Google Workspace. All participants were divided into three groups according to region: South Asia, West Asia, and West and East Africa. The literature review was performed using information analysis methods. The relevance of all proposed topics for ECs on the issues of EBM, rheumatology, and geriatrics was justified by their choice by all study participants with a frequency of 33,33% to 72,22% in different subgroups and by the average number of topics selected of 1,71 to 2,11 per person. Decisions to choose a course on practicing EBM in internal medicine were more often made by sixth-year students (72,22%) and those coming from South and West Asian countries (73,33% and 80,00%, responsively) than by 5th-year students (46,43%) and Africans (42,31%), whose greatest interest was in aspects of rheumatology. Neither gender factor nor current academic performance in internal medicine influenced students’ decisions regarding the number and topics of ECs. Our study revealed a lack of student initiative concerning individual offering topics for ECs, facts of non-choice of an EBM course in some regional subgroups, like a relatively low frequency of choice of ECs in geriatrics (33,33 and 35,71% among 6th- and 5th-year students, respectively), which confirmed the necessity of the guiding role of teachers in implementing a more student-centered approach in curriculum development and the role of student-dependent factor in this process such as their country of origin. The study results are partly consistent with the literature in terms of the need to study EBM at the undergraduate level of continuing medical education (CME), which can be influenced by national or regional features. The authors conclude that the curriculum content is worth adapting to a more student-centered approach, including the possibility of choosing the current issues in clinical medicine such as the EBM approach, etc. We estimated that the international students’ choice of ECs topics depends on the year of study and the country of origin. The educators should consider the peculiarities of the different countries’ healthcare systems when forming a list of optional educational components for international students in the final years of study.Item Rheumatic diseases: basics of diagnosis(2020) Puzanova O.H.; Batushkin V.V.The Standards and Guidlines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area include ensuring the quality of training and teaching, creating a wide base of advanced knowledge and competencies, improving curricula, and using flexible learning path and innovation in forms and methods of providing educational sevices. This is consistent with the principle of continuing education and confirms the need to improve methodologicfl support on arduous practical issues, especially at the undergraduate stage, in the residecy and primary care. Among such tasks, diagnostics of rheumatic diseases occupies a special place. The book's content correspods to the requirements of the curriculum in the discipline "Internal medicine" for medical students of higher education institutions. Both history of the description of rheumatic diseases and anatomy and physiology of the muscluloskeletal system are presented briefly, whereas semiotics, methodology and practical aspects of the examination and evaluation of a patient with muscluloskeletal symptoms or suggested rheumatic disease are described in details. Relevant international guidelines are also given. Educational material is submitted in accordance with the principles of practical orientation, optimal sufficiency, and the approaches such as systemic scientific, propaedeutic, consistent, autonomous, competence-based, and evidence-based. Complex didactic material is presented by theoretical information, demonstrated examples, questions and review test items for self-control. There are 25 tables and 23 figures in the book. Intended for medical students of the 5th and 6th years and postgraduates of an English-language form of training, as well as for continuing medical education of the genegal practitioners-family doctors, internists, rheumatologists, and orthopedic traumatologists.Item Невідкладні стани в клініці внутрішніх хвороб(Київський медичний університет УАНМ, 2017) Батушкін Валерій Володимирович; Мегедь Володимир Петрович; Лаврінчук Ірина ОлександрівнаУ посібнику розглянуто аспекти діагностики та лікування невідкладних станів, які найбільш часто викликані патологією терапевтичного профілю. Видання може бути довідковим порадником із надання медичної допомоги на різних її етапах.Item Пропедевтика ревматичних захворювань(2019) Пузанова Ольга Геннадіївна; Батушкін Валерій ВолодимировичВпровадження системи безперервного професійного навчання лікарів, починаючи з опанування навчальних дисциплін "пропедевтика внутрішніх хвороб" і "Внутрішня медицина" на додипломному етапі, потребує оновлення навчально-методичного забезпечення з питань обстеження пацієнта з ознаками ураження опорно-рухового апарату, наявним або припущеним ревматичним захворюванням. У навчальному посібнику представлено скорочені анатомо-фізіологічні дані, принципи, особливості та методи обстеження пацієнта з ознаками ураження опорно-рухового апарату, висвітлено значущість клініко-анамнестичного методу дослідження в ревматологічній клініці, наведено поняття про провідні синдроми (суглобовий, м'язовий, кістковий, болю в спині, шкірної висипки тощо), описано методики оцінювання постави та ходи, огляду і пальпації суглобів, вимірювання обсягу рухів у них, пальпації та перкусії хребта, лабораторні та інструментальні методи дослідження тощо. Посібник рекомендується студентам 5-6 курсів медичного факультету та лікарям-інтернам. В умовах пріоритетного розвитку первинної медичної допомоги книга буде корисною для лікарів загальної практики-сімейної медицини, терапевтів, а також ревматологів.Item Раннє судинне старіння та його доказова профілактика в дітей та підлітків(Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2024) Пузанова Ольга Геннадіївна